Postpartum Doula Nurture Session Gift Voucher (Central Scotland)

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Jenny's postpartum nurture bundles are ideal for mothers in the days, weeks and in some cases years following on from birth. Jenny also tends to women who have lost a pregnancy at any stage, or a baby. No matter the outcome of a pregnancy, women should always receive postpartum care for their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Postpartum care is often something that families do not prepare for, however this can be the foundation to THRIVING family life, and a deep bond between mother and baby. It can also be the foundation to a woman’s health in the decades following on from birth. We can view it as an opportunity to really replenish the nutrient stores that we lose from giving birth, tending to our pelvic, hormonal and mental health, meaning a more easeful transition into our menopausal years.

A Postpartum Doula tends to the health and wellbeing of the mother. Saying that, the mother and baby are considered a unit in the months following on from birth, and so tending to the mother directly has an impact on the health and wellbeing of baby. This if often referred to as the mother-baby dyad.

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Jenny's postpartum nurture bundles are ideal for mothers in the days, weeks and in some cases years following on from birth. Jenny also tends to women who have lost a pregnancy at any stage, or a baby. No matter the outcome of a pregnancy, women should always receive postpartum care for their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Postpartum care is often something that families do not prepare for, however this can be the foundation to THRIVING family life, and a deep bond between mother and baby. It can also be the foundation to a woman’s health in the decades following on from birth. We can view it as an opportunity to really replenish the nutrient stores that we lose from giving birth, tending to our pelvic, hormonal and mental health, meaning a more easeful transition into our menopausal years.

A Postpartum Doula tends to the health and wellbeing of the mother. Saying that, the mother and baby are considered a unit in the months following on from birth, and so tending to the mother directly has an impact on the health and wellbeing of baby. This if often referred to as the mother-baby dyad.

In-home postpartum care can include:

  • nutritious meals to support postpartum health and replenishment, made with organic ingredients
  • herbal blends used for teas, steams and bathing
  • cacao - Jenny works with this both as nutritional support, and when holding ceremony
  • castor-oil heat pads (alleviating pain/discomfort following on from birth)
  • scar tissue remediation
  • light house work - laundry, dishes, tidying, gardening, food shopping
  • sibling care/pet care
  • guidance on vaginal steaming (Jenny brings a purpose built chair)
  • moxibustion (a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of burning Moxa, or Chinese Mugwort, in a purpose build moxa box, promoting increased warmth, circulation and qi to the womb area)
  • baby wearing support
  • gentle oil massage
  • postpartum yoga (usually after 6 weeks)
  • yoga nidra (suitable for any time after giving birth)
  • “closing of the bones” using a rebozo
  • birth storytelling - allowing Mum to feel witnessed in her experience of birth, and all of the emotions surrounding the event

Jenny provides in-home care, so there is a maximum of 30 minutes driving time from EH49 included in the prices. Additional expenses may be added on top of this depending on where your loved one lives.

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