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Delivered on Thursday 20th March
**All items are portioned for 2, if not sharing this will last 1 person 6 days**
The ultimate nourishing gift for her in the fourth trimester
Comprehensive and deeply nourishing, this package has been designed as an investment for optimal healing and restoration in the fourth trimester. Intensive food support for the first 3 days post birth (ideally) or to benefit from any time after baby’s arrival. Each day you/they'll be nourished with:
The meals, snacks & herbal tonics are all designed with postpartum focus foods & botanicals in mind, to nourish, ground and replenish during this transitional time. Steeped in the wisdom of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine but with Food Doula flavour twists and surprises (as alway. that's why we LOVE her!). The meals aid in balancing hormones, supporting digestion, nourishing the blood, grounding the nervous system, replenishing jing, building energy stores and supporting lactation.
3 Day Bundle Menu
A Morning Herbal Tonic (to start each day)
Postpartum collection blend: healing herbal loose tea (e.g. Motherwort, Chamomile, Nettle, Fennel, Oatstraw, Linden Blossom & Vervain)
1 x Blood Nourishing Beetroot Soup w/ Lime, Nettle & Coconut
1 x Golden Kitchari w/ A Warming Ghee Tarka
1 x Lemon Tarka Dahl w/ Star Anise, Curry Leaf & Fennel
Snack (A nourishing functional snack for each afternoon)
Some examples of snacks you may receive include: Cacao Quinoa Crunch w/ goji, sesame seeds, rose petal & dates / Nourishing energy balls of the month / Chamomile Almond Cookies.
1 x Slow Braised Beef, Tomato and Almond Ragu w/ Soft Herbs
1 X Coconut Masala w/ Green Lentils & Greens
1 x Fragrant Green Lime Thai Curry w/ Tofu & Plants
Resources and Personal Support
Important to note: